Tuesday, March 13, 2012

And the Winner is...

Here is my excuse for not blogging:  Our life has had way to many "What ifs..." as of late, and I knew that as soon as I started writing then it would be a tell all, which would be difficult to explain later, so I have been avoiding this blog.  But we officially might finally have our life a little bit more figured out, so here you go...

We have officially decided to stay in UTAH for the next two years! Hooray! Hang out with us!

Michael was accepted into the full-time MBA program at the U, which we were pretty sure wouldn't happen, but it did!  So after much deliberation, between just going out and earning real money in Chicago vs. staying in Utah and being poor for a couple years, we decided now was the time to keep going to school.  That being said, if anyone knows of any jobs (for Alie) or any great places to live in Salt Lake, please don't hesitate to tell me.  We are really excited, especially to get out of Utah County :)  We have officially been here WAY to long. We do miss Chicago though, maybe one day.

In other news, we went to San Diego last weekend, and let me tell you, it was hard to come back!  The weather was beautiful, and I just felt it was where I belonged.  And then I remembered we decided to stay in Utah, so maybe in a couple years :)  

We  ♥  when cities name streets after us :)
View of LA
Hung out with Einstein

This is the fancy planetarium that we drove to
Self Taken...


San Diego Temple :)

The Groom + Old Mission Buddies
The Happy Couple

The EPIC burrito
So many pictures I wish I would have taken but didn't.  Next Time :)

The year of the Roller Coster

*** I started this post in January, and now I am finally finishing it :) ***

This post is really just a reflection for me, but feel free to read an look at the pictures, if you have the time...

Seeing as I am a terrible blogger, I felt it would be appropriate to have a reflection of 2011, starting all the way back in January :)


We got engaged! let the wedding planning begin!


Nothing too exciting happened in February that I can remember... 
But we were engaged and happy to be engaged.  
I am sure we went skiing or something...


Vegas trip!  Went and watched Jimmer drop 52 against New Mexico.


Took some cute pictures

Finished up the semester

Attended a couple weddings


Michael was offered an Internship in Chicago

Michael accepted the internship

Got my tonsils out :( 

Quick San Diego trip for Michael

Michael left to Chicago


Wedding Wedding Wedding. 

Long drive to Chicago (there was nothing to take pictures of...)

Tornado (we only saw the winds, but it was a new experience)

No power for days...

Met the roommates

Got settled in Chicago


Explored the city

Fell in love with the city

Went to a couple baseball games

Went to Nauvoo and St. Louis

Canada trip for Grandparents 50th


Got some sad news, and took off to Canada

Rolled the car in Montana

Was helped and transported by a very generous family

Drove home, found somewhere to live

Went to Lake Powell

Drove home for the Best Friends wedding :)

Started School


Welcome Baby Jace!

Getting settled back in Utah

Bought a new car

Said Goodbye to a missionary


Went to General Conference

Went to New York 

Life decided to give us a break

Quick trip to Canada after Christmas

Christmas skiing with the family

Just loving being married.

Welcome 2012!